Moore Automotive Team

Engine Repair Service Savings in Owensboro, KY

engine maintenance Owensboro KY

Engine Repair Service

The engine is the quintessential part of any car. It is what determines how well your car drives — and if it drives at all. Auto professionals go so far as to say that replacing the engine is like replacing the car. It will not literally set back the odometer, but it might as well. Of course, replacing a failed engine is a nuisance and a costly one at that. By routinely maintaining and servicing your engine and repairing any trouble as it comes, you will be able to optimize the lifespan of your vehicle’s engine.

If you think your engine might need repair, bring it into the on-site shop at Don Moore Automotive. We are one of the most respected names in automobiles in Owensboro, KY, because we provide top-quality care at the lowest prices. By bringing your engine here, you can increase your car’s longevity without hurting your pocket. Book an appointment today.

When Do You Need Engine Repair Service?

Knowing when to repair your engine can be difficult, so we at Don Moore Automotive are here to help. We know the risk of waiting and do not want anyone in our Owensboro community to find themselves stranded with a dead engine. If you have not had your car looked at in a while, bring it in, and we can tell you whether it is in need of any repair. Other than that, here are a few warning signs that will tell you may need repair:

  • Check Engine light comes on.
  • Car is expelling more exhaust (especially black, white, or blue exhaust).
  • Knocking from underneath the hood.

The check engine light exists to tell you that your engine needs service — if the check engine light has come on for no reason, we can fix that, too.

If your car is expelling more exhaust than usual, it means that your engine is burning extra liquids. If the smoke is black, you are burning too much gas. White smoke or blue smoke means coolant or oil has leaked into your combustion chamber, respectively.

If you hear a distinct knocking noise, it could mean your engine bearings are going bad. That is an issue that is extremely time-sensitive. In general, if your car is making new noises, it means you should come to see our mechanics at Don Moore Automotive.

If any of the above apply to you or you want peace of mind, book an appointment now.

Schedule Engine Repair Service at Don Moore Automotive

Getting your engine repaired, or auto service in general, can be exhausting. Unfortunately, there is no way around this part of vehicle ownership. That is why we have made getting your engine repaired easy and affordable at our shop at Don Moore Automotive in Owensboro, KY. By scheduling your appointment with us as soon as possible, you can be sure to fix any issues with your car before it is too late.